Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Video of our projects posted on YouTube!

Thank you again to everyone who made all this possible! Please check out our final video of our service projects at http://www.youtube.com/user/interfaithdialogue09

Please contact Dr. Rachel Anderson-Droogsma at rachel.droogsma@mnsu.edu if you are interested in getting involved in the Interfaith Dialogue movement at Minnesota State University-Mankato or wherever you are located! More resources can be found at The Interfaith Youuth Core's website at http://www.ifyc.org as well. Thanks for checking out our page!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Link to Bridge Builders Site

Hi Everyone,

Here is the profile we have for Bridge Builders! We had some people from the Interfaith Youth Core add us, so that is really awesome! It will be a lot easier for us to communicate with the Interfaith Youth Core movement, and can be a great resource for future groups working on Interfaith Dialogue similar to what we did for ideas:


Sunday, November 22, 2009

A good first step!

I was content with the service activity, and happy to see so many people there. While the service itself was fine, albeit uncomfortable at points, what I was really pleased with was the dialogue.

I thought the class members in charge of facilitating did a great job of setting people at ease, and then coaxing them towards shared values. I think we all wish we had more time – but I think what was accomplished were good first steps toward developing a body of people committed to interfaith service and dialog.

It is amazing to me how simple an effort like this is: get people together, serve together, talk together - and yet it is so rare. I am excited that the MNSU RSO (student organization) will CONTINUE this work.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kids Against Hunger retrospective

As I mentioned in my post on the day of the Kids Against Hunger event, I have been to many similar service projects and planned more then I've been to.

Much to my chagrin, due to the larger turnout, it was decided that members of the archiving group would be more useful collecting pictures, sound bites, and information then working. While I understand and applaud the practicality of the decision, I still wish I had gotten to help out. I'll have to go back.

The evening itself, however, was a resounding success. There were unforeseen difficulties - a larger turnout then expected, many of whom were people from the community who were entirely unaffiliated with our project, yet who were willing participants in the dialogues; difficulties organizing the space around the refreshments that the group organizing the event overcame handily; and the problem of car-pooling. Despite the fact that some of us had been told to be at a particular place before 5:45, when the magic time came, I had only spotted one member of the class, who thankfully gave me a ride home. Car-pooling back up to campus, meanwhile, was a far simpler affair, as all of us were already there.

Overall, I would consider the event a success, though for future attempts at a similar event, I would suggest allowing more time initially for the 'training' video, and perhaps slightly clearer directions on where to meet - 'meet near the bus stop on the south side of the CSU' would be more precise then 'meet near the parking lots by the CSU'. However, these small hindrances were simply the sorts of hiccups one expects to find occurring around any new event.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kids Against Hunger Event a success!

We had a much larger than expected turnout, so plenty of workers to help with all the packaging! Last night, we helped package enough food to feed over 8,000 people! Thank you to everyone who made this happen, and we plan to get the pictures from the event posted very soon. More information to come soon about this recently completed event. Please keep checking back, as we will have new material being posted from this project, and a video/photo compilation of both projects overall will come soon as well (early December at the latest).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In Case You Need Help With Dialogue Tonight...

Please take a look at our earlier posts regarding Interfaith Dialogue if you are looking for ways that you can contribute in tonight's upcoming discussion at the Kid's Against Hunger site.

Friendly Reminder! Kids Against Hunger Event tonight!

For those of you who did not see Rachel's e-mail, the Kids Against Hunger event is tonight at the Kids Against Hunger site during our normal class hours. Please try and be early, so we can prepare for the event, starting at 6pm, and we can maximize the time that we have. Please check our earlier blog postings for the directions embedded with Google Maps in the blog (the 'older posts' link is at the bottom of this blog page, so you can find the directions to the site). Looking forward to seeing everyone there tonight!